I am happy to see that all of you consider yourselves professionals in netiquette and working in a FOSS project.

None of you even react to the fact that I am talking about profesiionalism in marketing.

Reacting the way you do is only a demagogue cry to suppress criticism.

Cristian Driga schreef:


Chad Smith wrote:

Who are you?

Where do you come from?

What right do you have to call for a vote of confidence in anything?

You've been on the lists, what, a month?

Show me one line of code you've contributed.  Show me one convert you've
switched to OpenOffice.org.  Show me one website you've gotten to add a
"Download OpenOffice.org" button.

Who are you?


I totally agree with Chad and I am outraged by the lack of politeness, respect and lack of real interest of helping out and doing real work that Steven has shown. No attempt to first understand the written and non-written rules of this project at all.

Most off you have shown disrespect for these rules in prior posts.

More: In all the postings I saw there was one single main idea: Steven is the best marketing specialist ever and we are nothing and we do not want to listen to him.

What are you affraid of? These are your words, not mine. I have only said what experience I have and that I want to contribute. Read the art list. Some people actually appreciate experience and are not affraid of it..

No wish to collaborate,no nettiquette, ignoring calls for reasoning and understanding each other, not to mention ignoring other members who try to offer advice in continuing to build up on great ideas he has spoke about.

These are no more then low aimed accusations.

(See for example the *lack of response to invitation to discuss seriously on this thread* [Uniform message and look [WAS Re: Vote about official OpenOffice.org OEM label]])

I believe I have done the same previeously on many threads I started and can you shopw me one where that was respected?

I am well aware that there might be serious reasons for Jacqueline not to be around lately but she will be back on the list asap. But taking advantage of this and starting riots is something we do not need.

Firstly, I do not know of here whereabouts, Secondly, I can only start a riot if there is follow up. Are you affraid there is?

MORE: the reaction of deleting your own page in the wiki because, I suppose you did not get a sign from the leads,

Completely wrong. I do not need a sign frfom leads. I need them to take responsability and actually manage marketing for OOo.

is that of an immature person.

So If I wish not to contribute anymore, I cannnto decide on what happens with what I contributed?


> -1 confidence in Steven Pauwels
> -1 for Steven Pauwels capability
> +1 for confidence in the Project Lead of Marketing - Jacqueline McNally
> +1 for confidence in the Project Lead of Marketing - John McCreesh
> +1 for Project Lead of Marketing - Jacqueline McNally's capabilities
> +1 for Project Lead of Marketing - John McCreesh's capabilities

I totally agree.

-1 for Steven in everything

I would preffer a less specialist but who is willing to cooperate in looking for solutions.

Try and read what I have proposed. The only problem is that I am not willing to repeat myselve a thousand times untill all of you stop picking on whatever minor thing you do not agree on because you do not understand.

+ 1 for Jacqueline and John and all the marveouls things they have done.


+1 for an official warning prior to banning Steve if he continues to show disrespect for the others here.

I have no disrecpect for persons, but do not agree with the way things are done. Shure is a different thing.
But to help you, I'll vote too

+1 for an official warning prior to banning Steve if he continues to show disrespect for the others here. (How many votes do I need?)

Steven P.

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