On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 12:35 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Hi John,
> John McCreesh wrote:
> > On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 00:02 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
> >>One warning: when talking about this with some business-people (month or 
> >>so ago), it turned out that they could become offended. As if I 
> >>suggested that they would do illegal business ...
> > 
> > 
> > Good point - I've added "Microsoft's licence agreements are complicated
> > - it's easy to break them by mistake"
> Smart ;-)
> I just took a little time to read the (renewed) draft page.
> Would it be an idea to put the added sentence two lines lower, after "If 
> you have a copy of ..."?

I've moved things about a bit on the latest version

> Furthermore, I would suggest think about changing the pay-off
> "Get legal - get OpenOffice.org today!"
> into something like
> "No doubts about a legal Office - get OpenOffice.org today!"
> (or "No fear about your Office being illegal", or ....)
> Just to make it sound less accusing.

The slogan for the campaign is "Get Legal - Get OpenOffice.org" so I'd
like with it. It is designed to be arresting (sorry, another bad English
play on words - arresting = "eye-catching" as well as "being taken away
by the police")


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