On Thu, 2006-17-08 at 10:49 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
> I guess lack of time and appropriate experience are important factors?

Lack of time to setup a *CafePress* site?

A CafePress site is *very* *easy* to setup. Nicu set one up ages ago:


I've set up a CafePress store, Jean set one up for the OpenDocument
Fellowship. There's really no experience required, and the time
investment is quite small. Ask Nicu to lend you the graphics he's
already made. With the graphics done, you could have a store setup
within the day. Heck, the OOo logo is done, and there are graphics on
the Art page. You can have a store by this afternoon. The issue is not
lack of time or experience, it's lack of will.

> However, I've seen a request about is as well on the Dutch users-list, 
> some time ago. I could inform if people are interested to work together 
> with some folks from other countries.
> If others do in in their own country, we might be able to link a few 
> capable and enthusiastic people?
> Greetings,
> Cor
  "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
  unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
  Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
        -- George Bernard Shaw

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