On Thu, 2006-17-08 at 11:37 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
> The process of deciding what to sell, what to be printed on it, to have 
> it made ... it can be done very fast with a person on his own, just 
> picking up what is on hand.
> With a group/community that takes some time and probably some have 
> other, higher, expectations as well.

Well, having a community doesn't mean that simple decisions must take
forever. The OpenDocument Fellowship has 100 official members and
several times more un-official ones, and we managed a CafePress store
over-night. Someone just made the store, posted to the list and said
"what do you think?", some people said "yay", others suggested
improvements, and off we went.

Look at it this way: Suppose you make a store and it's not perfect. An
imperfect store is better than no store at all. You can try to improve
it later, but get something workable today. Different members may
disagree on what products you should have, and it may be difficult or
impossible to satisfy everyone. But only a trouble maker would argue
that you should do *nothing* unless you do it *his* way.

> Nevertheless, I can't see any valid reason why OOo-merchandise shouldn't 
> exist.

Would you consider setting up a CafePress store right now? It's not hard
to do. You can find graphics here:


Start by putting the OOo logo on every product you like. Add a mousepad
with something from here:


And there you go. Call the store "OpenOffice.org" and add a link to it
from the wiki. The store will be done 2 hours.

  "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
  unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
  Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
        -- George Bernard Shaw

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