Hello Finn,

Finn Gruwier Larsen a écrit :
> Sophie Gautier skrev:
>> May be you could check also with other NLC projects if other
>> OOo-merchandise exist and how it goes :-)
> I think the NLC's is probably the best place to put merachandise
> shops. There's really no reason to ship a T-shirt from let's say U.S.
> to Denmark since shipping costs would be much more than the price of a
> T-shirt.
> So, why havent we done it in the Danish NLC? Because we don't have a
> bank account. And we can't have a bank account because we're not a
> formal organization. So the problem is really an organizational one.
But you could set up a local NPO. I think every Native-Lang project
should have one, for this purpose and other "more important" issues. Did
you talk to Soren about this?


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