On Thu, 2006-17-08 at 22:41 +0200, Charles Schulz wrote:
> You know perfectly that there will
> not be an Native-Lang project for english.

Ian said as much.

> You also know
> that this has nothing to do with the "paranoia" of marketing project
> losing the control of I don't know what part of the community.

When an English Native-Lang was proposed, you objected because you said
it would cause a fork. To me that seems like paranoia both of forks and
of losing control.

> Now, if you complain about the lack of T-shirts, just go get some at the
> nearest supermarket , put a logo on it or "I love OpenOffice.org" and
> rest the case. Sometimes life can be simple and easy.

Do you feel that this is a helpful and constructive comment? A community
member has said that an it's important to have an income stream and to
have a local entity/bank-account for activities in his region. He
pointed out the conspicuous lack of OOo activism in England when there
is so much activism for other FOSS projects. Your response to this is to
go to a supermarket and buy a t-shirt. Instead of mocking a valid
concern from an OOo sponsor (e.g. OOoCon 2005) and a major advocate in
the British government, perhaps you should try to address the issues
that he has raised. Mocking people who say they are disenfranchised is
not going to win you many hearts in the community. A better strategy is
to act like a reasonable person who, as the Native Lang project lead, is
aware local considerations.

Best wishes,
  "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
  unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
  Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
        -- George Bernard Shaw

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