Hi Charles

> On 18 Aug 2006 at 10:46, Charles Schulz wrote:

> Hello Tony,
> Tony Pursell a �crit :
> >
> > And the consequence is that there is nowhere to go to find out where
> > to get the non-US English language packs (e.g British English)!  I
> > assume the websites of the NLCs usually give that information.
> >
> >
> Yes, they do. What language pack are you looking for? the EN_UK?

Luckily, I do know where to get it from (en_GB), but I have come across
more than one case where someone has complained at the lack of a
'British' English and had to be pointed in the right direction.  Its one of a
number of flavours of English that can only be implemented through the
addition of a language pack.  Other languages (Welsh, for instance, as I
live in Wales) you can get as a complete OOo version in the required
language (via the NLC's web pages).  However, the add on language
packs are very difficult to find, if you don't know about them.

Of course, this is not particularly a Marketing issue, except that in some
countries bilingualism is an issue and the ability to swap languages at
the application and document levels, is an important plus point, and to
do so, access to add-on language pack is necessary.  I would like to see
a link to these add-on language pack.  I can never remember the
location myself, and always have to go searching through old emails.

As for whether an English NLC is needed, I have no particular view.
What is needed is more visibility of the various flavours of English on
offer and more visibility of add on language packs in general.


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