On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 17:49 -0400, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:

> No reason not to focus on specific regions, especially if we are  
> building for future grass-roots efforts. So, let's do it, and if it  
> doesn't work for this particular quarter, we can likely use it some  
> other time. I think we really need to act, especially now.

I have attached a draft flyer to issue 15757. It could probably be
improved visually by the art project but I think the messages are the
best we can give. If this seems acceptable, I will find out what it will
cost to send to 3500 secondary schools (ages 11-18). We could also send
to primary schools - about 17,000 but that is more expensive and the NC
levels cited are not really appropriate to that age group so we would
need to modify things a bit. I'm anticipating that just sending the
flyer will be the cost of postage and duplication. We have mailing list
software with the addresses etc but there is the job of stuffing
envelopes. I'm hoping we will get some FOSS volunteers to help with
that. What is the mechanism for claiming costs?

I put John's E-mail address on  - its probably best to have a named
contact. Can put mine on too but I don't want any perceived conflict of

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