On Friday 07 September 2007 15:24, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> Hi
> On 2007-09-06, at 06:59 , Ian Lynch wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 17:49 -0400, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> >> No reason not to focus on specific regions, especially if we are
> >> building for future grass-roots efforts. So, let's do it, and if it
> >> doesn't work for this particular quarter, we can likely use it some
> >> other time. I think we really need to act, especially now.
> >
> > I have attached a draft flyer to issue 15757.
> I saw, thanks. Haven't had time to look it over.
> > It could probably be
> > improved visually by the art project but I think the messages are the
> > best we can give. If this seems acceptable, I will find out what it
> > will
> > cost to send to 3500 secondary schools (ages 11-18). We could also
> > send
> > to primary schools - about 17,000 but that is more expensive and
> > the NC
> > levels cited are not really appropriate to that age group so we would
> > need to modify things a bit. I'm anticipating that just sending the
> > flyer will be the cost of postage and duplication. We have mailing
> > list
> > software with the addresses etc but there is the job of stuffing
> > envelopes. I'm hoping we will get some FOSS volunteers to help with
> > that. What is the mechanism for claiming costs?
> There is no clear mechanism for things like this. For the present
> campaign, we have to spend the money on merchandise, like USB keys,
> and, mostly, online ads; print things, like brochures, are not quite
> in the picture.  That said, making these available for modification
> and distribution is a necessary step.  I'd be interested to know the
> cost, however, as if not for this particular campaign, it will help
> in future ones. I'd also be curious if we could run online ads that
> do the same.

Oh darn!  I didn't realise that we were being told how we could use it.

If it HAS to be spent on merchandising gear then I can organise that very 
easily through the people who do my ooogear stuff.  For a worldwide campaign 
tho' it would be a rather expensive way of getting to people and definitely 
limits the numbers that you can interface with.

CDs are reasonably cheap but even then we're probably looking at around US40c 
ea for 20,000 including pressing, printing and freight.  Assuming local 
packaging of course.  Getting them packaged in a sleeve at source 
considerably increases freight costs. It's better local in any case because 
they can then be printed with more relevant local info.

USB drives are a different kettle of fish.  You might be able to find some 
supplier who happens to have a warehouse full of old obselete 128 mb drives 
that he'd be wiling to part with for $3 or $4 per unit for >1000, but that 
would be without printing and artwork, but you're probably looking at around 
the $10 mark for printed 256mb drives.  I could track a definite price down 
if I had an idea of what sort of budget we're looking at.

As far as T-Shirts are concerned, there is a local guy who has a machine that 
will produce 600 t-shirts an hour with a two colour print. I'll check to see 
what he charges.


Graham Lauder,

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

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