Hello there,

and sorry for my late response. I have about 100 unread messages as of
now, so I'm trying to work through my mailbox. :-)

Thanks for this discussion! I'm really glad that we have so many
creative minds in here with so many great ideas. You really came up with
great ideas we should think and decide about. I ask everyone of you,
please add your idea to the Wiki so we have it available for further

As written to Graham Lauder on [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> However, I think we could discuss over this issue for months, and in the
> end, we don't have anything, so I'd definitely vote for producing those
> t-shirts and maybe mugs/mouse pads/bags as soon as possible, so we have
> used the money and have some merchandising articles for sale or free
> give away.
> I bet there are further quarters where we get money again, hopefully
> with prior notification, and then we can work on more. But of now, as
> I've been working on this issue since August, I don't think it makes
> sense so work on it some months more. We should come up with a result.
> And I think, having 1.000 or 2.000 t-shirts are at least a start.
> I agree, a better marketing concept and some idea on when we have what
> money available, would be a good idea. I try to work on this as soon as
> possible - but as of now, let's just start with something.

This doesn't mean you can't do your ideas on your own, should you want
to do so - of course, everyone here is free to make local marketing
activies and bring them to he list.

Regarding the international marketing project: I want to get this
merchandising stuff done as soon as possible. We definitely could use
some merchandising items as free give aways to create brand awareness.
Of course, that is not the best marketing idea we've ever had, but it is
a start. :-)

Looking at all your ideas, I'm convinced that it is time to put up a
newer marketing plan. This involves talking to Sun, when we can have
what money so we can plan; discussing on the list what to do with it to
put up some campaigns; defining target audiences; distributing tasks, etc.

But the most important part as of now: Who can help in designing thos
merchandise we're about to order?

Thanks again

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