On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:38:20 -0500, Alan Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alexandro Colorado wrote:
I wonder if we can partner with a hardware manufacturer. For example I know tha Zonboo and Koolu are companies specializing in small "green" computers. However the fact that they just have started might also face marketing challenges and 'getting the word out'. I bet they will LOVE to see their brand on every cereal box. Also it might be a perfect 'kids pc'.
<snip />

I definitely think a green/environmental angle could be appropriate.

Organic Cornflakes? Green(er) PCs, Open Source is better for the environment: Less Fat execs flying all over the world, big corporate offices, salesmen in gas guzzling cards, manuals, CDs, boxes, retail display stuff. The list goes on... I know SUN and IBM are part of this, but Open Source is bigger than them and it is uses less global resources.


I dont think Sun or IBM would benefit from pushing Koolu client. I'll rather go with Google, Canonical, and now Everx are a main sponsor of the Koolu product.


Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of OpenOffice.org ES

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