Caio Tiago Oliveira wrote (26-08-10 22:19)

Another interesting news is that OpenSolaris won't get the code from
Oracle in real time.

As the licence allows, Oracle will release a binary with the new
development being closed and releasing the code on CDDL months latter.

That's not desired and this model is what I though Oracle could use
for OOo. Release an paid binary and releases the LGPL code months

If that happens, that would be the opposite of effectively organising the interest of all big players (and other contributors) that work on/with and in effect mean the end of the open source project. But since the development and releasing of strongly leans on cooperation with the wider community, I have no idea how that scenario would look.

I agreed with Cor,  Sun spent a lot of money on OOo and other open
source projects. But be aware Sun failed to monetize. Oracle bought
Sun. Oracle changed the way they treat OpenSolaris (which won't be
named so anymore), with intention to monetize.

So... they spend a lot of money per year with OOo... how much they get
in revenue?

There is no guarantee they will never change the way they treat OOo.

Of course it is not reasonable to expect any company promising eternal investment in an open source project. Therefore organising the mutual interests is so important.


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