
El 20/12/10 03:59, Ariel Constenla-Haile escribió:
Hello *

On Sunday 19 December 2010, 23:16, Roman Gelbort wrote:

Both, Ariel and Ramón, are 2 of 4 or 5 dissatisfied users in one list of
hundreds of users.
please quote links to those hundreds of user supporting Alexandro's recent
I can only count one -1 on
and another one -1 on
(I guess that if this had been decisive, Alexandro would no longer be our
Project Lead).

But they speak english and another users not.

The Alexandro's job in NLC Spanish is titanic. You can see the number of
posts in the lists (users, discuss and dev) in spanish. Nobody help more
users in spanish like Alexandro... ¿How many does a person like him?

Ariel and Ramón... and 3 or 4 more can speak about to "the bad leader",
but none of them work in the community like the community need. Only
speak and protest.
please go search the archives by author before speaking (and also read the
content! not only numbers matter)

If you believe that Alexandro can't ask the budget for promote and help
one community in SCALEx... ok, is your prerogative. This don't have
relation with NLC ES.

Please, don't criticize oooES if you don't know oooES.

oooES is for the users...
no, it's you and a limited group of people.
Please stop abusing the term "user" and "Community" to justify yourself.

and the users that nobody help in your languaje.

We, the founders of oooES, aggregated teens of thousands of migrated
desktops in our professional works. And we can and want help the
community, beyond of this distro war (OOo, LibO and OOo4Kids). We want
help to anybodies, without irritate to OOo or LibO... ¿Is this possible?

Best regards.



José Carlos Simón Vallejo

Técnico de Grado Medio Informático

Departamento de Informática

Junta de Andalucía

Consejería para la Igualdad y Bienestar Social

Delegación Provincial de Málaga

Avda. Manuel Agustín Heredia, 26


Tel. 951036463 Corp. 936463

Email: josec.s.vallejo (a) juntadeandalucia.es

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