thanks for sharing what you had, this really helped me work on the topic, 
testing and learning misc approaches.

Now, the first feedback we've got on slf4j-simple to Gossip provider change 
- mailing list: some missing features
- MNG-6044: missing documentation and integration improvements required 
(config file in conf/logging)

And that was only a first feedback with a few testers: the change may cause 
more feedback to manage once released.

I'm convinced the slf4j-simple monkey patch approach will avoid a lot of 
change management, with a solution that is manageable (nothing complex).

Then I won't personnally put more efforts on Gossip integration: the issue is 
not Gossip itself, but it's users change management. And since I found a 
solution that avoids this critical issue, I prefer avoid the change.

If others want to work on it and want to manage the change, feel free to take 
the job.

Really thank you Jason for sharing your work: without it, I wouldn't have done 
what I did and I fear color output would still be in limbo.



Le vendredi 21 octobre 2016 14:25:01 vous avez écrit :
> FTR I choose Gossip because it was an slf4j impl I created which had more
> features than slf4j-simple but was also very small, and I had already
> previously implemented a ANSI color rendering scheme for it, as it was used
> by Maven Shell.  
> Its true that Gossip doesn’t have the same features as slf4j-simple, because
> my use-cases didn’t need it and thus I didn’t add code bloat for things I
> did not need.  I think I mentioned before its possible to change that, but
> it also wasn’t quite clear what was needed and I certainly don’t remember
> now.
> FTR I didn’t realize that there were strong use-cases for folks fiddling
> with the logging impl/config so much, vs just using the tool as it comes.
> If you folks want to drop it and hack in something else, it won’t hurt my
> feelings.  If you need help to adjust Gossip to do something I can probably
> help.
> —jason

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