I believe, if we instead upgrade to Checkstyle 8.21 or later, we don't need
to do any of those alternative approaches.


- Eric L

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 1:20 PM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Robert>A clone from Git succeeds, but the sources.zip fails.
> Robert>The files in the zip are generated on a unix system, so all EOLs in
> text files are LF
> Robert>...
> Robert>The fix: add a setup.groovy to the IT and rewrite the java files
> with OS specific EOLs
> Alternative approaches:
> A) Provide both Linux (LF) and Windows (CRLF) source distributions (e.g.
> *.zip and *.tgz).
> B) Specify "lineSeparator" explicitly. Then you could have both CRLF and LF
> files at the same time and verify if those work
> C) Generate file at the build stage. If you generate it into target/
> directory, then you could generate the file with appropriate for the
> platform enconding
> D) Ensure the file is always in LF or CRLF by adding a relevant
> .gitattributes entry
> Vladimir

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