Ah, thanks Vladimir, that's even better. I was not 100% sure it would be
possible to retain complete control over resulting line endings for those
files, regardless of user git settings of stuff like autocrlf = true and
whatnot, but it seems there is, that's great news. Thanks!

- Eric L

On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 2:00 PM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Eric>In that case, we should generate the test files (to
> Eric>avoid git interfering), one with linux-style EOLs and one with
> Eric>Windows-style EOLs and test with both.
> You'd better have those files under Git control, and you could just specify
> .gitattributes so the LF file is always LF, and CRLF file is always CRLF.
> That is way simpler than generation of the file(s), and it is way easier to
> understand by humans
> Vladimir

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