yes, certainly it would be usefull to have buildtime and runtime
separation for dependencies, specially when adding antlr, xdoclet or
similar. this may be specified with properties like war.bundle and so,
but I think its better to tag a dependency as compile time classpath
or runtimeclasspath, since the information is similar but not exactly
the same, plus, this would avoid specifying a property for each plugin

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 18:43:21 -0200, Felipe Leme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 16:15, Miguel Griffa wrote:
> > 1. How to I access the dep property from the velocity template
> > context? (There seems to be no way to access the properties even from
> > Dependency at maven)
> I do something similiar in my company, but I don't have the code right
> now to tell you how.
> > 2. Is this funcionallity of interest to the group to contribute it?
> > My idea is to just add a property comment, or something similar to the
> > deps properties
> I think there are many things we should add to the dependencies - some
> of them might be already there on M2.
> For instance, I think we need some sort of 'livecycle scope' for the
> dependencies, like compile time, runtime, unit testing, distribution,
> etc. Then each plugin (java, junit, xdoc, dist, etc...) would use the
> right set of dependencies for its tasks.
> -- Felipe
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