

          <artifact implementation="

I should have sent this eariler, but this is actually what that test file is
looking like atm.


On 3/6/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just some things for the record:
> - I don't really like the <artifact>...</artifact> element here as it
> isn't normal to a POM.
> - The POM doesn't do the full inheritence thing, so it might not behave
> as expected. This could be confusing
> I think if the file is not really a POM, it shouldn't be construed as
> one for the sake of clarity. Maybe we can just use the normal Xpp3Dom
> configuration lookup, and that can be created from xpp3 dom builder from
> a file with just the config element.
> I assume if there are project elements to be populated that are not part
> of a plugin, they would be set on the stub project housed in the stub
> expression evaluator, which could be done in java code?
> Also:
> - I think we should be adding getters/setters and being able to
> construct a normal mojo and set fields by hand (components and
> expressions should still be prepopulated in the lookup).
> It seems like most of this is in place, just issues of clarity and
> perhaps preference.
> Thanks again!
> - Brett
> Jesse McConnell wrote:
> > we can now inject StubArtifacts into the mojo's :)
> >
> > <project>
> >   <build>
> >     <plugins>
> >       <plugin>
> >         <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
> >         <configuration>
> >           <compileSourceRoots>
> >             <compileSourceRoot>src/main/java</compileSourceRoot>
> >           </compileSourceRoots>
> >           <compilerId>javac</compilerId>
> >           <outputDirectory>target/classes</outputDirectory>
> >           <artifact>org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact</artifact>
> >         </configuration>
> >       </plugin>
> >     </plugins>
> >   </build>
> > </project>
> >
> > for the time being I am sticking all of the Stub* maven artifacts in the
> > maven-plugin-testing-harness and they are all referenced in the
> > components.xml file in the same project.  I am not sure if we want them
> to
> > ultimately reside next to the Default* implementations or not...anyone
> have
> > thoughts on that?  I could go either way on that.
> >
> > I am pretty however pretty happy with the way this is fleshing out :)
> >
> > very useful and by the time more unit tests are written we should have a
> > pretty decent set of stub's for mojo's to work with.
> >
> > Not everything will have to be a stub either here, jason is working on
> the
> > ArtifactRepository and aggregating some things together but I can see
> the
> > need where we are going to need a real one or more of those since some
> > plugins make use of it...the axistools plugin for one :)
> >
> > cheers,
> > jesse
> >
> > On 2/23/06, Jesse McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> updating this thread again
> >>
> >> Jason and I talked over the above idea and he took a few minutes and
> put
> >> together the basic jist of the concept and shoved it into the
> mojo-sandbox
> >> so I could work with it.
> >>
> >> mojo-sandbox/maven-plugin-testing/maven-plugin-testing-harness
> >>
> >> that has version 1.0-SNAPSHOT of the AbstractMojoTestCase which is what
> >> the test cases can subclass from to get the ability to dynamically load
> the
> >> mojo based on an arbitary pom.
> >>
> >> I modified the maven-clean-plugin again to make use of this and it
> turned
> >> out quite well I'd say.
> >>
> >>    /**
> >>      * tests the ability of the plugin to clean out a set of
> directories
> >>      *
> >>      * @throws Exception
> >>      */
> >>     public void testClean() throws Exception {
> >>
> >>         CleanMojo mojo = (CleanMojo) lookupMojo ("clean", testPom );
> >>
> >>         assertNotNull( mojo );
> >>
> >>         mojo.execute();
> >>
> >>         assertFalse ( FileUtils.fileExists(
> >> "target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildDirectory" ) );
> >>         assertFalse ( FileUtils.fileExists(
> >> "target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildOutputDirectory" ) );
> >>         assertFalse ( FileUtils.fileExists(
> >> "target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildTestDirectory" ) );
> >>     }
> >>
> >>
> >> This method in the CleanMojoTest class coupled with this pom.xml @
> >> src/test/resources/unit/clean/pom.xml execute the unit test very
> easily.
> >>
> >> <project>
> >>   <build>
> >>     <plugins>
> >>       <plugin>
> >>         <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
> >>         <configuration>
> >>
> >>
> <directory>target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildDirectory</directory>
> >>
> >>
> <outputDirectory>target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildOutputDirectory</outputDirectory>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> <testOutputDirectory>target/test/testDirectoryStructure/buildTestDirectory</testOutputDirectory>
> >>         </configuration>
> >>       </plugin>
> >>     </plugins>
> >>   </build>
> >> </project>
> >>
> >> I am going to take this approach and work on testing another plugin in
> >> maven now, get a couple of plugins under my belt with this and the
> abstract
> >> base class ought to be pretty tight.
> >>
> >> jesse
> >>
> >> --
> >> jesse mcconnell
> >> jesseDOTmcconnellATgmailDOTcom
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > jesse mcconnell
> > jesseDOTmcconnellATgmailDOTcom
> >
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jesse mcconnell

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