On 7 Jul 06, at 2:36 AM 7 Jul 06, Brett Porter wrote:


I wanted to get thoughts on starting to require a Java 5 JVM to run stuff we build. We currently restrict to 1.4 across the board.

I think before this can be done we need to make sure we're not making life difficult for people. It may be the case that most people don't have a problem using a 1.5 JDK in their environment but it might be an ideal time to use one of the online survey services to take a real poll. If the vast majority of users were not adversely affected by a move to 1.5 I would be fine with, as I'd like to use 1.5 where possible. But if it's not the case we probably should hold off on this requirement.

Here's what I'm thinking:
- MRM and Continuum should switch now. Stuff built there is rarely consumed elsewhere, and a Java 5 requirement outside of that is reasonable - We could switch for Maven 2.1, as long as we have improved support for invoking external toolchains. This would facilitate doing some much nicer stuff with plugins like annotations. - A generified plexus would be very cool, but is an aside here and post plexus-1.0 in my opinion. - I think it's best to keep the lower requirement on Doxia, Surefire (1.3), and Wagon for now.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I'll likely propose a vote on the first point before the first/next releases of them unless there are reasons not to.


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