[EMAIL PROTECTED] could be ok, I don't think
length is a problem.

Anyway, I agree that finding a better name for reposiory manager would
be nice... I'll start with a first proposal: what about "Concierge"?


A concierge (French), in French apartment buildings, is an employee
who lives on the premises and serves as a janitor and general
caretaker. [...]
In 19th century and early 20th century apartment buildings,
particularly in Paris, the concierge, often a middle-aged woman, had a
small apartment on the ground floor and was able to monitor all
comings and goings. [...]


On 7/31/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was considering starting a vote for setting up separate discussion
lists for the repository manager and was pondering what to call them.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] seems just a bit too long.

All the other parts - Continuum, Wagon, Doxia, Surefire, Archetypes -
have a more interesting name (ok, so SCM is an exception). I wonder,
should we give the repository manager a real name?

Any thoughts?

If folks are happy to stick with "Maven Repository Manager", are there
any preferences for whether the lists should be "mrm-*", "repoman-*",
"repository-manager-*", or something else?

- Brett

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