If you've done the work, go ahead and submit a patch. I think I'll find the code easier to read than this mail :)

I think we definitely need a solution to being able to know in advance of the build, how all the source directories, etc will be bound in (Milos has been asking for this in the Netbeans integration for some time too). Hopefully this will help.

- Brett

On 05/09/2006, at 6:21 AM, Wendell Beckwith wrote:

I was hoping to get some discussion going about
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2546. For handling eclipse plugins this
is a big issue.  I really see this as extending the support that maven
provides to single project builds to multi-project builds. A lot of plugins dynamically add information to a MavenProject instance such as new source paths, dependencies, resources, etc. These plugins can typically do their
job by binding to a phase before the information is needed.  Plugins
functioning in multi-project reactor builds need the same thing but maven does not provide a phase to bind to before the reactor build is kicked off. I have fixed this for the maven 2.1 trunk and passed all 101 tests. Do I need to submit a patch now or is this consider blasphemous and it needs to
be aired out a little bit in discussion?

For those who are interested I extended the LifecycleExecuter interface and added a method that will do reactor builds for a single phase, super-init. The ReactorManager picked up a new method, sortProjects(List projects) that
sorts the projects and I removed the final modifier from the sorter
attribute because if the super-init phase is executed then we need the
ability to reset the field with a new ProjectSorter instance. The Lifecycle
class has methods getPhases() and getDefaultPhases(), however the
getPhases() method would create and set a new empty list if the attribute was null while the getDefaultPhases() method would just return null. I changed the getDefaultPhases() method to work similar and it now creates and sets an empty map if the attribute is null. The DefaultLifecycleExecutor
was changed to extend my LifecycleExecutor extension and implement the
executeSuperInit() method. The executeSuperInit() method creates a single goal, super-init, and then executes it. A <lifecycle> element with the id,
super-init and a single phase also named super-init was added to the
components.xml. The phase has no plugin bindings. Finally the DefaultMaven class has picked up a method to check if any projects in the reactor has
plugin execution bindings to the super-init phase.  If so then the
LifecycleExecutor is called to execute the super-init phase and then if there are no errors the reactor's projects are resorted and normal reactor processing kicks in. This is all 100% backwards compatible because unless you bind a plugin to the phase then the extra processing won't happen and it
will be business as usual.

Right now this is working great, but is it a direction maven intends to


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