Snapshots are not intended to be depended on outside the context of the
team working on it. Nothing released can ever had snapshot dependencies
(on plugins or dependencies). I think what you are seeing is a symptom
of longer release cycles. People need something fixed, they take a
snapshot and move on. Unfortunately this is dangerous as you noted. We
are working on getting tighter release cycles and I think it's starting
to show recently.

Here's how I deal with instances where I need a snapshot plugin in my
corp build:
1. Checkout the code for the snapshot.
2. Build it, changing the version to something like
3. If I have to patch the source at all, I take the whole thing and put
it in my svn. If not, then the svnrev in the release points me back to
where I got it in case I need it later.
4. Deploy it to my repos.
5. Use this now "internally released" version in my builds.

It's a little extra work, especially when you get stuff that has further
snapshot dependencies etc, but it is most definitely stable and
reproducible. (even if our repo disappears). 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Menard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:50 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

A bit of a departure from the discussion, but still related . . .

It may be worthwhile to rethink the whole SNAPSHOT system, too, then.
Way too many plugins and dependencies sit in a SNAPSHOT limbo,
presumably because it's simpler than cutting a release.  And then
SNAPSHOT to SNAPSHOT may break builds.  In this case, the user has
specified precisely the version he needs for his build (perhaps only
SNAPSHOT has a particular bug fix), but he's still just as vulnerable to
having the rug pulled out beneath him.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:08 AM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
> John, I think you've hit the nail on the head here. If you look at it 
> this way, your plugins used are no different than dependencies. It's 
> very dangerous to depend on the latest version of some jar from the 
> repo, and likewise plugins. We don't default to grabbing the LATEST 
> dependency, the same should be true for plugins.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:00 AM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1
> One thing I wanted to add:
> To me, it's critical to view your build script (or POM, or whatever 
> binding you have to a build infrastructure) as a piece of the project 
> code. The build - definition, shall we say? - is responsible for 
> modifying your source code into a binary that works the way you would 
> expect, and there are many options for the different steps involved in

> this process. This complexity means that there is a risk that the 
> build process could introduce unexpected problems that may range from 
> a file being out of place in the resulting binary, to a compiler 
> option turned off that should be on, to using the wrong compiler.
> In other words, your build process is subject to bugs just like your 
> project source code is, and needs to be tested alongside everything 
> else. If you wait until release time to exercise a particular piece of

> this code, that's not so different from having a piece of code with 
> absolutely no tests make it into your final binary. This is the 
> biggest reason why I feel that locking down the POM at release time is

> dangerous.
> -john
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