Yes I also agree this would be handy at times. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 2:53 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

Sounds like a great idea for a very useful plugin. I'm sure many of us
have followed this same pattern when it comes time to do a release which
utilizes snapshot plugins or artifacts.


On 4/12/07, Nigel Magnay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Here's how I deal with instances where I need a snapshot plugin in 
> > my corp build:
> > 1. Checkout the code for the snapshot.
> > 2. Build it, changing the version to something like 
> > 2.0-[companyname]-svnrev 3. If I have to patch the source at all, I 
> > take the whole thing and put it in my svn. If not, then the svnrev 
> > in the release points me back to where I got it in case I need it 
> > later.
> > 4. Deploy it to my repos.
> > 5. Use this now "internally released" version in my builds.
> >
> I've done this, and also with smaller external snapshots I've 
> downloaded them and just adjusted the metadata (and filename) before 
> deploying to my local repos.
> What would be really, really, really useful would be a plugin that you

> could call that would download a snapshot of a project and its 
> (transient,
> snapshot) dependencies, re-label it as a fixed internal version. 
> There's occasions where you just can't wait for an external project to

> release (and of course this problem is recursive!), and rebuilding 
> everything yourself is a bit drag on the person doing a release.
> something like
> mvn artifact:freeze-snapshot org.apache.myfaces myfaces-all 
> 1.1.6-SNAPSHOT 1.1.6-mycorp

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