On 4/21/07, Jose Alberto Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So if I say <quality>BETA</quality> then no alpha bundle (a bundle
containing alpha software) will be selected.

Who exactly decides what the quality is for a given release? Outside
of a handful (literally) of major apps/projects (Linux kernel and
Apache webserver come to mind), very few seem to have a good sense for
this, and I'm not even positive I'd totally trust myself with that
decision for code I'm working on at times. We already have enough
trouble getting projects to provide us with very basic poms, much less
providing full poms with these kinds of details. So right off the bat,
this sounds like a losing proposition for 95% of the projects in the

Also, what happens when I specify <quality>BETA</quality> and depend
on artifact xyz which brings in xyz-1.0.2-BETA which has a dependency
on artifact abc-2.0.1-ALPHA? Will you expect Maven to pick xyz-1.0.1
(final) which depended on abc-2.0.0 (final) since it can't satisfy all
transitive requirements with BETA quality code? This just doesn't seem
manageable for anyone...

Of course, its much easier to find problems than solutions, so I don't
want to discourage you from continuing the discussion. I just don't
think this is the solution.


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