Reading more responses, it seems like a lot of people want A so Maven
can "help" people with their builds. In the long-run (post 2.1), I
also like A, but we can't jump there overnight.

Today I prefer B, but I am OK with A if we do the following:

1. Have a tag in the pom, which is also available on the command line,
named "unstable_build". Archetype should be modified to insert this
tag and it should default to true (for now).
2. If unstable_build is true, we should throw a message at the
beginning and end of the build that says "Maven is running in UNSTABLE
build mode. Go here to get
rid of this message." and then we have a FAQ that talks about
versioning things, how to lock things down, why its a good thing, etc.
3. If unstable_build is true and versions are unspecified, then Maven
works like it does today.

The tag unstable_build is specifically chosen to be somewhat
offensive/negative and with immediately obvious meaning -- hopefully
this is true for our international friends, too. No QE/QA group in the
world would allow a self-declared "unstable build" pass their
organization. But new users or expert users who don't want their
versions locked down (yet) can still get into Maven and get things
done without hassles.

I appreciate the comments about "helping" people get their builds
right etc and generally agree, but I don't think we can jump to this
extreme overnight. So let's deprecate the idea of not specifying
versions and then perhaps we can eliminate it (require all versions)
in 2.2, 2.3, or 3.x.


On 9/2/07, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [X] (B) Retain the current behaviour, but make using the enforcer a
> > best practice to do the above, or some other control mechanism such
> > as having the repository manager handle the available plugins
> I am thinking about the new user experience and winning more converts. As
> such, I think the current behavior is best. Once they get using Maven more
> seriously (and in corporate environments that know what they're doing), I
> think adding the Enforcer configuration and locking versions down will come
> naturally. But *requiring* it seems excessive -- unless we're doing that
> ourselves somewhere, with plugin packs or similar, then I feel better about
> it.
> Wayne

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