On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Aaron Digulla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Quoting Stephen Connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  you can use -DparentVersion=[1.3.4]
>> to force a specific version and it rewrites the pom without changing
>> any formatting or comments
> That sounds very promising!
> In fact, I've just downloaded the "patch" and found it's a complete plugin.
> Here are a few suggestions:
> 1. Create a new project on CodeHaus for this plugin instead of trying to
> get this plugin into maven core.

This is not a "patch" but a request for a plugin to be added to codehaus...
so done already!.

> 2. Rename the plugin to "pom" (for pom modification)

Well there are some other goals I intend to add that make the
versions-maven-plugin a better name

> 3. Make the plugin more general, i.e. allow to specify a simple XPath on
> the command-line and a replacement. Kind of XML search'n'replace.

I'm more interested in version related stuff...., but I don't have
objections to splitting the pom rewriting stuff (it needs some improvements)
into a shared module and having a second plugin to do the other stuff.

> 4. Work on the current POM and all POMs in all sub-modules.

It actually does this already... but in a safer way than you'd think!

It only updates the parent of projects who's parent is _not in the
reactor_.  If we updated the parent of projects who's parent was in the
reactor we'd break the build!

> Since I need this pretty urgent, I'm willing to help to develop this. I'll
> send you a patch to your private address later today.

We need to get a codehaus committer to buy into putting it into sandbox and
giving me & you commit access to sandbox

> Regards,
> --
> Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
> "It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
> Follow me and I'll show you something beyond the limits."
> http://www.pdark.de/
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