As a user... +1

On Jul 1, 2009, at 3:41 PM, John Casey wrote:

Brett Porter wrote:
But I get the feeling that those sticking to 2.0.x are "happy" - in that they've got things working the way they want and probably won't jump up to further 2.0.x releases, let along 2.2.x. If we put out a 2.0.11 release and say "this is the last, barring critical issues - start looking at 2.2", we'll fairly soon hear about it if that's not what users want. At the same time, if we do start pushing fixes into 2.2.x, that gives more people incentive to try it, and help us identify if there are further barriers to moving across, in addition to continuing to build out more integration test cases that benefit us across the board.
- Brett

Personally, I think this makes a lot of sense. I think we shouldn't go out of our way to freak out our user base, but at the same time we shouldn't spend too much time pushing the envelope with 2.0.x now that we've decided to move on. If we announce that we're doing critical fixes only on 2.0.x - and not spending time "cleaning up" - then people who have a problem with this should become visible. It's a good way to engage with our community to figure out why people won't make the jump, IMO.

If it's just about an arbitrary version number, I'm not sure how to reassure those people without making a largely symbolic 2.2.1 release.


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