Hi there,

As for Guice, I think that what JVZ said does stands: a very few people does
understand how big and complex that work was (and is, since it is ongoing).
Stuart did a real magic, with just a "drop in" replacement for
Plexus-components backed by Guice. But don't stop there. With his
foundation, it is very easy and straight-forward to create any "IoC lingo",
just as Plexus "shim" is implemented. What I really loved about it, is the
fact, that "reimplementing" Nexus Plugin API (and it's internals) using
spice-inject boiled down to few very simple modules. Before, it was a pile
of asm+deep-plexus-trickery+classworlds heavy lifting and complex, error
prone code. Now it is a beautiful and simple. The previous was written by
me, but I felt no sorry for ditching it, not a teardrop at all. A big +1 for

As for Aether, only few comments from Apache newbie. I did lurk a lot of
time around Apache project, especially Maven. Was present on lists, was
following the project even if I was not a "committer", had no merits
(neither have now) and was not a member for a long time (today I am). But
due to my private OSS project, I present with my Proximity Maven Proxy
implementation a little bit, and was participating mostly on these lists.
So, I am kinda aware of "The Apache Way", did seen it "in action".

IMO, the decision here is more about "The Apache Way" and something else. I
think everyone spent some time on Github, and I am always amazed how quickly
things get picked up, changed, modded and thrown back at you there, The
"speed" (in it's broadest sense) over there is awesome, like there is no
mass, hence no inertia force is applicable there. Here, you have a limited
(small) set of people with committer rights, with direct or indirect infra
access, and even if someone is at full throttle, the project itself is
doomed with this bottleneck, people cannot gain momentum unless they are
"in" this circle. We saw a lot of "insiders" saying they can't do it now,
they have other (like for example work related) obligations, family, etc.
There, you have literally open set (kinda unlimited) of potential
collaborators, and the "work" does not stop. In any moment, everybody being
active are actually at the top of their momentum. But if someone does
"retire" for a week or month, still leaves his work free and at disposal to
others. But I have to agree with Brett, centralized issue tracking is a

Over "here", I see a lot of bureaucracy, different dams that just makes
things swim slower. And this is not the "git vs svn" story at all, this is
more about flow. Code and idea flow. The juice. Just like Stephen Connolly
told, here you hit "walls" and usually loose the momentum. When your JIRA
with patch get's absorbed, you will usually have the "wtf?" moment at first
when the JIRA mail lands in your mailbox. But there are lot of nice pros
over here too not to be lost: things like backing organization, tied
community, togetherness and all those other nice things Apache is known for.
Maybe we need to merry these two?

This "Apache Way" was maybe superior back then when it all started. But
today, as everything is speeding up, I kinda feel this "way" just makes
people... well, loose the momentum. And this applies to projects too.

Aether is ASLv2, I see no problem here taking it under Apache umbrella if
it's backing company shuts down.

Aether as external project is really something as Plexus was (still is but I
see positive opinionated people regarding ditching it). It was/is essential
part of Maven, but even then it was external. I personally think, that
trowing Aether into some whirling creek (like github, codehaus or even
eclipse) is a very good option. Not just it will be more easily adopted by
3rd parties, but also it will be a general commissar for Maven out there in
the wild.

This is a problem of "merits" too. I do understand people dislike the idea
to ditch some code with they were involved with for a long time, and was
probably increasing/representing their "merits". We all were there at least
once. But I cannot agree more with JVZ, that "merits" should melt and
vaporize, should be considered somewhat temporal. The "single amount of
work" made today should "count more" than "single amount of work" made a
year ago and so on. At least wrt decisions made today. When it's about beer
and fun, naturally the one having most "absolute" merits (without the time
factor that makes it melt) should pay the beer and margaritas, beyond
question, and we, without merits, should just enjoy the beer in great
companionship ;)

Any Maven emeritus anywhere around central Europe in near future? :D

In general, and aside all this "philosophy" above, I agree very much with
Arnaud. I think he nailed it.


Disclaimer: I am involved with Sonatype. This mail does not represent any
"internally approved" or Sonatype opinion, it is strictly my private

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