As I posted previously I would like to do the 3.1.0 release but I don't want to 
do the work of isolating SLF4J until it's shown that it will be a problem. I 
don't the believe the adoption of 3.1.0 is going to be so quick that we can't 
create a fix if necessary. I would rather do the release in a lean style and 
not do work for theoretical problems. 

In full disclosure I have a release of Tesla I want to make and I already have 
JSR330, SLF4J/Logback, and Eclipse Aether integrated so I would like to try and 
help get the JSR330, SLF4J out the door and then get Eclipse Aether integrated. 

If anyone feels strongly about trying to create the SLF4J isolation and is 
going to start the work to do it shortly there's no harm in waiting. But I 
would prefer to start getting the 3.1.0 release out the door, get some feedback 
and adjust if necessary.



Jason van Zyl
Founder & CTO, Sonatype
Founder,  Apache Maven

Simplex sigillum veri. (Simplicity is the seal of truth.)

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