On 2/1/07, Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mike Heath wrote:
> I made the first release of my Asynchronous File I/O library.  The site
> for the library can be found here: http://people.apache.org/~mheath/aio/
> The .jar can be downloaded here:
> http://people.apache.org/~mheath/aio/aio-0.1.jar  This release uses a
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService to call
> java.nio.channels.FileChannel methods in a separate thread.  The next
> release will provide support for POSIX AIO.  Soon after that, a release
> that uses the Linux io_submit(2) system call will be made available.
> Support for Solaris is also in the pipeline.  More information and ideas
> about the framework will be posted on my blog,
> http://swamp.homelinux.net/blog/
> As always, feedback is appreciated.

Youch! Is Trustin the only one that saw a problem with this?  Where is
the PMC?  This is a big red flag.

Mike, I'm not trying to bust your keyboard but you really need to read this:


You probably just confused a nightly build or SNAPSHOT build with an ASF
(PMC) sanctioned release but please do *not* announce these things here
without going through the PMC.

there is a certain tradition of solo efforts being developed offshore
and posted to people.apache.org then announced to apache lists. people
have to be careful with the naming and IMHO mike sailed just the right
side of the wind.

but now we have the http://labs.apache.org/ and that's the right place
for efforts such as this. in the labs releases are not ok but tagged
milestones are.

mike - any objections to moving Asynchronous File I/O library to the labs?

(you'll probably need to submit a software grant for the code you've
already created)

- robert

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