On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 13:55:15 +0100
Niklas Therning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You would also need to make sure that the current IoConnector 
> implementations can support millisecond timeouts. I think that would 
> mean that AbstractPollingIoConnector.Worker needs to be changed. 
> Specifically the line
>     boolean selected = select(1000);
> To support milliseconds we could simply change this into
>     boolean selected = select(1);
> but that would be very bad for performance.
> Instead, one could use an adaptive timeout in the call to select()
> which depends on the current ConnectRequests' timeouts. Or totally
> redesign things to use a ScheduledExecutorService or similar instead.
Yes Niklas is right, I forgot the impact on worker loop.

At first look an adaptive select timeout or a redesign using some kind
of ExecutorService doesn't look like a trivial move..

Whats the lowest connect timeout needed if it's under 1 seconds ?


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