Le Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:47:20 +0200,
Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@apache.org> a écrit :

> Rick McGuire wrote:
> > Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
> >> Sangjin Lee wrote:
> >>> Thanks.  I'll also check the trunk to see if changes are
> >>> applicable to the
> >>> trunk.
> >>> I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by renaming it to 
> >>> 1.0-trunk.
> >>>  The svn URL is .../mina/asyncweb/branches/1.0/...  Do you mean
> >>> to rename it
> >>> to .../mina/asyncweb/trunk/1.0/...?
> >>>   
> >> Well, it's more a question about what we see as a branch.
> >>
> >> Usually, when releasing, we start by freezing the trunk into a 
> >> branch, like what we did in 1.0
> >> and if we want to start a new version, we do it in another branch.
> >>
> >> In your case, the 1.0 branch is not a version, it's just a target.
> >> In order to avoid confusion with a frozen version, it should be
> >> named 1.0-trunk.
> >>
> >> Hope it's clearer ?!
> >>
> > I think I'm as confused as Sangjin.  Should this be 
> > ".../mina/asyncweb/1.0-trunk/" as opposed to 
> > ".../mina/asyncweb/trunk/", which is the 2.0 version?  Also, should 
> > the existing branch be left frozen, and this new working trunk be 
> > created as a copy of the frozen branch?
> >
> > I'm also +1 on this happening on the 1.0 branch.  The 2.0 version
> > does not really look production-ready, and there were a lot of
> > proposed changes to that version that have never been implemented,
> > so it isn't really clear where things stand with that.  Having some
> > new features implemented on a version that clearly has been used in
> > a production environment could only be a good thing.
> Ok, let me clarified what I tried to explain at 2 am yesterday ;) May
> be I was not correct too...
> - We have trunk, which contains the latest version (in our case, 
> AsyncWeb with MINA 2.0. It currently contains the 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
> version.
> - We have a tags directory, which is currently empty, as we didn't 
> released any version yet.
> - And we have the branches directory, containing something called
> 1.0, which is the asyncweb client with is currently at version
> 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (per its pom.xml)
> It's a bit of a mess. The branches/1.0 does not contain *anything*
> close to a 1.0 release of Asyncweb, it's just containing an asyncweb 
> subproject named "client", which depends on some other asyncweb 
> subproject named "common-asyncweb", presently available in trunk.
> If we are to release the asyncweb client 1.0, fine, but we have first
> to release the async-common subproject (or to release them at the
> same time).
> So in other word, starting from the branches/1.0 seems really not a
> good idea.
> Forget about the 1.0-trunk idea I pushed at first, this was confusion 
> and probably totally stupid.
> So, what do we do ? Sangjin needs a 1.0 release of the client, with
> MINA 1.1.7. We need to get this done, probably by creating a branch
> named 1.0-mina1, and get it built and released. If we don't need the
> server, because it's not ready to be released, then we need to split
> the project in three parts :
> - commons
> - server
> - client
> each with its version. Nothing complicated, just need a bit of
> organization.
> wdyt ?

So TRUNK version need to be 1.5-SNAPSHOT (or 2.0) in place of 0.9

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