
I am working to improve the GitHub issue triage process by creating a label
bot(more info here
the cwiki), I have initial version of label bot ready. I would like to get
some opinions about access permission of MXNet label bot.

Right now, all issues in MXNet repo are manually labeled. The process looks
like below:
First, contributors/committers go through the issues to triage them and
suggest labels and add comment on the issue requesting @committer to add

This process will cause notification spam to both committers and users. The
long gap between user creating an issue and we labelling them will cause
the process time consuming and not very smooth.

We want to simplify/automate this issue labeling process. Right now an
initial version of the label bot which can:

   1.  Send issue report daily. This report will show how many issue
   open/closed, list uncommented/unlabeled issues and show an pie chart of
   labels added in a week. Sample report here
   2.  Generate a spread sheet of unlabeled issues with recommended labels.
   A contributor will open the sheet and fill in labels with reference of
   bot's recommendations. In this case, contributor can deal with all
   unlabeled issues at a time. Sample sheet here
   3.  Read labels filled in that sheet and apply labels to GitHub issues.
   (tested on my personal Github repo)

This bot can be triggered daily so that all issues will be labeled in one
day without notification spam.

*However,  this bot doesn't have access to add labels. We have two options:*

- Use a committer's Oauth token with limited scope. So far according to my
research, the most limited scope is "public_repo", this contains access to
code. Except this one, Github doesn't have smaller scope available to add
labels. Available scopes here

- Create a bot account having minimum permissions. For this, we will need
an account to be created from Apache Infrastructure with proper access and
they can control the access for the account through secret manager
<https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/intro.html> .
Having a bot account is beneficial for future work, not only for labelling
but also other automatic processes.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas to do this.


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