An addition has been made to include MacOS tests for the v1.3.x branch:

[MXNET-908] Enable minimal OSX Travis build (v1.3.x)

It includes following PR's for master:

[MXNET-908] Enable minimal OSX Travis build

[MXNET-908] Enable python tests in Travis

[MXNET-968] Fix MacOS python tests


чт, 8 нояб. 2018 г. в 9:38, Anton Chernov <>:

> Thank you everyone for your support and suggestions. All proposed PR's
> have been merged. We will tag the release candidate and start the vote on
> Friday, the 9th of November 2018.
> Unfortunately after the merges the tests started to fail:
> I will look into the failures, but any help as usual is very appreciated.
> The nightly tests are fine:
> Best
> Anton
> ср, 7 нояб. 2018 г. в 17:19, Anton Chernov <>:
>> Yes, you are right about the versions wording, thanks for clarification.
>> A performance improvement can be considered a bugfix as well. I see no
>> big risks in including PR's by Haibin and Lin into the patch release.
>> @Haibin, if you can reopen the PR's they should be good to go for the
>> relase, considering the importance of the improvements.
>> I propose the following bugfixes for the release as well (already created
>> corresponding PR's):
>> Fixed __setattr__ method of _MXClassPropertyMetaClass (v1.3.x)
>> fixed symbols naming in RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell (v1.3.x)
>> We will be starting to merge the PR's shortly. If are no more proposals
>> for backporting I would consider the list as set.
>> Best
>> Anton
>> ср, 7 нояб. 2018 г. в 17:01, Sheng Zha <>:
>>> Hi Anton,
>>> I hear your concern about a simultaneous 1.4.0 release and it certainly
>>> is a valid one.
>>> Regarding the release, let’s agree on the language first. According to
>>>, 1.3.1 release is considered patch release, which is for
>>> backward compatible bug fixes, while 1.4.0 release is considered minor
>>> release, which is for backward compatible new features. A major release
>>> would mean 2.0.
>>> The three PRs suggested by Haibin and Lin are all introducing new
>>> features. If they go into a patch release, it would require an exception
>>> accepted by the community. Also, if other violation happens it could be
>>> ground for declining a release during votes.
>>> -sz
>>> > On Nov 7, 2018, at 2:25 AM, Anton Chernov <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > [MXNET-1179] Enforce deterministic algorithms in convolution layers

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