
> Here's the second update. At the moment we are only missing ICLAs from 20 
> (out of 70) contributors, accounting for 31 (out of 913) commits left.

IMO That's still a significant number of commits and people.

> Regarding whether the contributors are employed by a company that requires 
> CCLA for contribution, I have no way of verifying the contributors' 
> employment status at the time of contribution, and not enough bandwidth to 
> verify the individual company policies on such contribution. As such, I will 
> solely rely on the ICLAs.

The risk is that the IPMC may require more than that, I can’t predict how other 
IPMC members will vote in this case. Intel have supplied CCLAs in the past and 
there are people on that list not covered by a CCLA could be a concern along 
with the missing ICLAs.


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