On 1/9/06, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/7/06, Martin Marinschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have started looking at the sources,
> and my first look was on the accompanying java-script code.
> Now, I hope Martin Cooper hasn't had the time to look so far, cause he
> wouldn't have been to happy ;)
> Issues I've seen so far:
> - no namespacing for class-names
> - global variables (not even namespaced)
> - global, not namespaced functions

Yeah, known - when this code was written (it pretty much all
comes from UIX) we were very naive JS developers.  One
of the items already on our todo list is moving all the functions,
classes, and variables inside a single top level object.

Yes, that's right, and we're also looking forward to working with the rest of the Apache MyFaces community to make these and other useful improvements. :-)

Kind Regards,
John Fallows.

Author Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components

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