Hi Adam,

Thanks for the drop!

Since Ted seems to be busy I went ahead and uploaded the file to our space.


Is the url for those interested and to spare Adam's bandwidth. From what I understand from the rumor mill though our .mac accts will go to 1TB this month :-)

Thanks again Adam,



On Jan 6, 2006, at 5:11 PM, Adam Winer wrote:

Well, we've finally gotten there and done it.   A public drop
of the ADF Faces source code is now available:


Ted Husted will be copying this over to a people.apache.org
site, at which point I'll take it down from mac.com so
my bandwidth limit doesn't get completely clobbered.

This should be (nearly) a fully buildable Maven 2.0 project,
including a separate project of custom Maven 2 plugins (
which are also part of the contribution.)  There's an Apache 2.0
LICENSE.txt at the root of the distribution, and to save people
the work of building it, we've included the JARs and our
demo WAR.

John and I have spent most of this week cleaning up the
codebase to eliminate compile and build dependencies on
anything Oracle proprietary or non-ASF compatible.  I'd say
we're 99.9% of the way there - the remaining points being:

  - the lack (AFAIK) of a JSF impl in the public maven
   repository - obviously, we can trivially point that to
   MyFaces api and impl
 - Our tests use a Mock JSF impl that's just a mockmaker
   run over jsf-api - but that's not totally ASF-legit.
   We've included that jar in this distribution, but this needs
   to be redone the right way.

Looking forward to all of your comments!

Best regards,
John and Adam

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