> > http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/Code_Generation
> 2) Generating base classes instead of templates from xml-config-files

For what it's worth, what you're describing here is the Generation Gap
pattern.   I've got a lot of experience using it with Cayenne over the
years (and WebObjects years before that), and it's effective.   It's
sometimes painful to write and maintain your base class in a
templating language, though, but once your base class is done, you
don't need to mess with it again, so this is a one-time painful
experience.   And yes, you would typically generate an empty concrete
subclass whenever one doesn't exist (the first time code generation
runs for a given component).

I check the code thus generated into the repository.   I also keep the
generated code in a subpackage called *.generated off the concrete
subclasses's package.

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