Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
Nexus? I am not familiar with that. Lemme do a google search for that.

interesting tool with the "wrong" license ;-) Since it is GPL I think that's why
we don't have it here installed on ASF servers.

I don't think there is any rule against installing GPL tools for our use. For example, gcc is GPL.

But there are half-a-dozen "maven repository manager" tools around. Archiva ( and Artifactory ( are Apache licensed and also look good; it was simply a random choice which one I installed here.

My original point was just that *if* we have one of these installed, and it has the same "snapshot cleanup" feature that maven has, then that might be the cause of the disappearing plugins. I'll ask on the Archiva list whether anyone has installed it for the apache snapshots repo....

Cheers, Simon

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