Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Werner Punz <> wrote:
Actually here is the state of our current works on the component set:

I have dojo covered currently in mine which still is undecided what to do
with it by about 80% on the dijit side. The big points missing in my own one
is the table and the tree. For the tree I have gathered the knowledge to
auto ajax it. Trinidad PPR is supported out of the box!

But I am currently on JSF 1.1 api and want to keep it that way until I
really find time to upgrade it.
My current biggest problem is lack of time, since I have to work 80% of the
time in non myfaces related projects and the other 10-20% is reserved for
myfaces 2.0

Ganesh as far as I know has a pretty well working tag set which coveres dojo
even more than I do, he has the table and tree already working,
main difference is he is already on facelet while I tackle the problem on
the component side.
We could use the work of Ganesh as a starting point for a more extensive
component facelets set, but we have to move Ganeshs work in one way or the
other because it is already hosted outside on sourceforge AFAIR!

I'd like to see that we move in the bits. If he/Ganseh is OK with it...
A simple software grant should be enough, no real incubation would
be needed...

Another reason to take this, is this lib is already developed under an
OS development model! So all the changes are public and not on a
single computer...

Well the change history of mine exists as well just not public yet, anyway I personally think Ganeshs taglib is the better starting point since it is planned just to support faclets for it the taglib of Ganesh is the better point than mine, since he basically has it already the way we need it. While mine for facelets only probably would be overkill. I have still plans to release mine one way or the other, but due to lack of time it has stalled for now.

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