
Yes, sure, we're happy to share it. It's already under the apache license and the copyrights belong to Alex and me, so there is no problem. What name do you have in mind? Once we have a name, we can set up a svn subproject and I can check in our dojoFacelets.

For the multi-library apporach, there is one problem: Mixing libraries will break the benefits of the dojo/jQuery provided themes - the widgets wouldn't fit together. Maybe we build separate jars for each supportet library?

If we separate libraries, the dojo part could maybe keep the name "dojoFacelets", if we mix them, Alex proposed "richlets".

Best regards,


I'd like to see that we move in the bits. If he/Ganseh is OK with it...
A simple software grant should be enough, no real incubation would
be needed...

Another reason to take this, is this lib is already developed under an
OS development model! So all the changes are public and not on a
single computer...


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