On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Ganesh <gan...@j4fry.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> yes, sure, declarative languages have more limitations then procedural ones
> and sometimes we must swich to the procedural backup and again yes I think
> it it is worth working on "something like that".
> IMHO we should first of all discuss the basis we want to work upon. Which
> are your reasons to prefer starting with jQuery instead of dojo? Here's my
> list of reasons why I chose dojo:

I personally like the jQuery syntax and it has not that big
(dependency) overhead.
That said I don't mind to have multiple libs supported, under such a
"umbrella" Facelets-
based library "MyFaces FOO Dojo", "MyFaces FOO jQuery" ...


> - better industry support
> - larger widget base
> - more of a hype right now (seems to me ...)
> Best regards,
> Ganesh
> Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
>> not sure I read that article, but I agree that it is worth to go the
>> Facelets road, for new things.
>> Not sure if EVERY 2.0 library needs to contain only template-based
>> components; old-fashion
>> renderers are still, ok...
>> so generally you also think it is worth to host something like that ?
>> I personally would like to start with this by introducing a wrapper for
>> jQuery (included via JSF 2.0 resource handling)
>> -M
>> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Ganesh <gan...@j4fry.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Matthias,
>>> Funny you're asking this today: Last night I've released the J4Fry
>>> dojoFacelets library on sourceforge. It's a pure JSF template/dojo
>>> library,
>>> it was build on JSF 1.1/1.2 w/Facelets and it runs on JSF 2.0 out of the
>>> box. The templates are AJAX enabled via ui:define. The first project
>>> based
>>> on the new components will be productive around juli in a european bank.
>>> We've started working on this last autumn after I released this artivle
>>> in
>>> german JavaMagazin, making the point that future JSF tag libraries must
>>> be
>>> template based:
>>>  http://www.j4fry.org/resources/jung_JSF_JavaMagazin_Tag_Entwicklung_mit_Facelets.pdf.
>>> The dojoFacelets are apache licensed and we would love to make them a
>>> starting point for a new MyFaces subproject.
>>> Here's a link to the documentation: http://j4fry.org/dojoFacelets.shtml
>>> (with links to examples and downloads - the JSF 2.0 example is currently
>>> offline, check the JSF 1.2 example).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ganesh
>>> Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> sure MyFaces 2.0 is not yet there, but I want to share an idea...
>>>> Since JSF 2.0 has the new Facelets support to easily create (custom)
>>>> components,
>>>> would it be a good idea to start a new (sandbox) project that defines
>>>> a JSF 2.0 set
>>>> of components, only written via the Facelets way ?
>>>> I had to play with some fancy JS (jQuery) to make a "wow" *easy*
>>>> component (via Facelets).
>>>> I think it would be cool to have such a library that provides a kinda
>>>> wrapper for some JS lib,
>>>> e.g. jQuery.
>>>> -Matthias

Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf

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