Hi Chew,

On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:33:23AM +0000, Lm Chew wrote:
> Hi,
> How do I stop the scan &  adv in the bleprph example.
> I tried calling the ble_ll_scan_sm_stop(1) and  ble_ll_adv_stop in my app, 
> but I am still able to see the device on my phone when I perform a scan.

To stop advertising, call: ble_gap_adv_stop()

For BLE operations, an application should only use the host interface.
Functions with the "ble_ll" prefix are defined by the controller, not
the host, so your application should not call them.

Regarding scanning- the bleprph app doesn't perform any scanning, so
there is no need to stop scanning.  This application only implements the
peripheral role, so operations like scanning and initiating a connection
are not compiled in.  However, if you have a different app which does
support scanning, you would stop the scan procedure by calling

> I am trying to switch between my custom rf stack  and nimble bt stack. So I 
> need to disable nimble  operation before running my custom RF Stack.
> And once I am done what I need using the custom RF Stack, I will switch back 
> nimble.
> Another question, how do you put the MCU to deep sleep while using nimble 
> stack? In the example the MCU does not goes to deep sleep.

Sorry, I am not sure about this one.  I am not sure this is actually
supported yet, but I'll let someone more knowledgable chime in.


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