Hi, sorry for the late response.  Somehow I missed this.

On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 08:22:27PM -0800, will sanfilippo wrote:
> Yes, Mynewt works the same way as FreeRTOS in this respect. Well, at least in 
> the way you are describing FreeRTOS. We have a tickless OS and when we decide 
> to go to sleep we are waiting for an interrupt to wake us up.
> Regarding the radio: there are some registers that are only programmed once, 
> so if you switch to your own custom RF stack and you want to switch back to 
> bluetooth, you would either have to write some custom code or reset the link 
> layer. There is an API to do this but I am not sure if it is accessible to 
> the application developer.

It's not a part of the published host API, but the following function
should cause the host to reset the controller:

    void ble_hs_sched_reset(int reason)

The reason code doesn't matter; it is just something the host uses when
reporting terminated connections.  You can just specify 1.

Since this function isn't part of the API, you'll need to declare a
prototype by hand:

    void ble_hs_sched_reset(int reason);


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