We're talking about very, VERY subjective perspectives here.  Just because
there is a new fad called "flat" doesn't mean it's an improvement.
Actually, "flat" looks so 1970's ish.  Perhaps the fascination with it is
due to the fact that most of the productive people here either weren't
alive at that time in computing history or were still too young to remember
those days.....

I agree with Mr. Bakke that on Windows and Mac it should still use the os
native laf as the default.  For Linux (where I spend 100% of my development
time) I don't care what ships as long as I can make it what I want it to be
by merely selecting from a list that includes basic stuff like we've got
now (i.e. "Metal").  I don't find "dark" or "flat" attractive in the
least.  I DO like colorful icons that make my desktop "attractive".  What
we each think is "attractive" is a very subjective judgement so a variety
of options is a good thing -- even on Windows and Mac for those who prefer
something other than native.

Just my $.02.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 2:09 PM Eirik Bakke <eba...@ultorg.com> wrote:

> I think FlatLAF could very well be made the default on Linux. But on
> Windows and MacOS, I'd argue we should use the OS-specific LAFs by default.
> On MacOS and Windows, we have very good existing LAFs that follow the same
> style as other desktop applications on the same platform. So NetBeans will
> look like a native MacOS app on Mac, and like a native Windows app on
> Windows. In fact, both the MacOS (Aqua) and Windows LAFs make calls to the
> OS to retrieve real, native graphics for buttons, combo boxes, checkboxes,
> and so on. So NetBeans always gets the correct look for whichever OS
> version is currently running. There has also been a lot of improvements to
> the Windows and MacOS LAFs over the past few releases, and the next one,
> especially for HiDPI displays. (See
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/HiDPI+%28Retina%29+improvements
> )
> The fact that NetBeans looks like a native app on both Windows and MacOS
> is a strong brand differentiator, compared to for instance IntelliJ, which
> does not in any way try to stay consistent with the OS look.
> -- Eirik
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Mc <mcdonnell.j...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 1:48 PM
> To: dev@netbeans.apache.org
> Subject: Flat Look and Feel NB12 default?
> Hi
> So I started using the latest development builds and I really like the
> progress with the Flat Look and Feel addition for NB11.3.  Great job to the
> guys who have done all this work it really looks nice.
> Are there plans to consider making this the default LnF for NetBeans 12
> onwards?
> Regards
> John

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