Does contrib python work and/or is it usable? (It's been indicated that it builds)

Ifso, why not create a source repository and release some nbm's to the plugin portal? (and get some feedback)

If it's in the main maven repository, couldn't there be an "install" button in NB that downloads and installs the python nbm's? That process is already part of NB isn't it?

In some ways it seems that having it donated is not the most important issue.


On 12/30/2021 9:37 AM, Eric Bresie wrote:
Given python is one of the most prominent languages in use in the real
world, I would assume there would be a demand for it.

I've tried many times over the course of the last few years to take on some
of this, but it's always ended up ("wait for donation 6"  - the status of
which is listed below) or start over [with LSP].

This email thread was coming from the prospect of the "NBPython" team
donating things....but I've not heard much from anyone in the past so this
was a last attempt (before doing any future python work on VS Code,
Eclipse, or IntelliJ)

The site has not seen much movement since around 2015
from what I can tell.

There seemed to be some activity at some point on sourceforge but beyond
that not much

There may be a snapshot of code still available here

But once again it comes to approval / licensing from relevant authors to
approve of this...

And should it be integrated into Netbeans proper or managed independently.

Eric Bresie

On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:04 AM Geertjan Wielenga
<> wrote:

Is anyone going to be actively developing that code?


On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:00 PM Eric Bresie <> wrote:

While reviewing "Apache Transition" page (1) I noticed the following

    - python.x (15 modules, including the wrappers o.jython,
    o.jython.distro) – possibly to be contributed by its non-Oracle
    rather than Oracle?

Is anyone on the mailing list one of the "non-Oracle authors" and is it
possible to help expedite the Python donation?

Eric Bresie

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