Hi there,

I start thinking that NB 13 has a lot of troubles with OpenJDK 17. I never
had such issues in the past, but since the move to NB 13 I am not that
happy anymore.

1) at start I have a lot of org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException:
com/oracle/truffle/api/exception/AbstractTruffleException while loading
com.oracle.truffle.regex.RegexSyntaxException; see
http://wiki.netbeans.org/DevFaqTroubleshootClassNotFound messages
2) as reported before indexing performance have completely dropped (even
3) Console parsing errors Error in RequestProcessor
4) when I launch NB plaform apps through Maven, the IDE constantly reports
that there are running processes at IDE shutdown, which is obviously
completely wrong (I triple checked).

Is it related to OpenJDK17 and that there is no longer nb-javac? I still
wonder, but my experience is currently bad and I am going to return to NB
12.4 with JDK 8...

Has anyone else experienced such issues?

Best regards,


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