Hi, dev.

There's a discussion on https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/3115 about 
changing the default "look" of window system tabs in NetBeans. See the 
before/after screenshots there.

With FlatLAF becoming the default look & feel since NetBeans 13, the tab 
components in the window system (over editors and sidebars) no longe resemble 
tabs, and are somewhat difficult to see. The proposed PR fixes this, by 
introducing a new look for the tabs that shows the selected tab as a proper tab 
while leaving a simplified flattened look for unselected tabs. Other kinds of 
tabs, e.g. in dialog boxes, or nested tabs in the Output pane, retain the more 
flat "blue underline" style.

1) Would people like this new style to become the default on NetBeans? (See 
screenshots in the PR above.)
2) Should there be an option to switch back to the old style?

-- Eirik

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