On Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 20:01, Michael Bien <mbie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe the problem with the tabs is more than the gradients/colors.

Well, all I can say is that with other software I use that has similar
tab design (inc. disconnected flat tabs) it is the better use of
colour contrast and focus/accent colour that means I don't notice this
issue in them.  I do in NetBeans.

> My question is: shouldn't this be changed upstream? Because this sounds
> like an issue which might be potentially changed upstream. To avoid
> having to revert this we should check If there is no desire to provide
> the option or change it upstream,

Yes, this was my hope.  The tab displayer UI is here, but they are
based on the upstream look.*  Not to mention, Karl is also a NetBeans

* interesting to contrast with running with

> good defaults are important. So we should try to set it to the most
> popular option so that only few have to change the default (I hope
> enabled is the most popular option ;)).

+1 to enabled by default (despite some reservation on the fix).

Best wishes,


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