On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 7:26 AM Karl Tauber <k...@jformdesigner.com> wrote:

> +1
> On 10.04.2023 14:08, Svata Dedic wrote:
> > I am advocating not to drop JDK8 as runtime for NetBeans (extended)
> > Platform, as that decision affects NetBeans-based applications.
> > Microchip IDE, that mining analytic stuff we had presentation a long
> > time ago (but that still IMHO lives), and possibly others.
> >
> > Changing the _runtime_ requirements for NetBeans platform affects
> > application builders - they are often being forgotten in discussions.
> Do we know that those applications are planing to upgrade to
> newer/future NetBeans Platform versions? If none of them plan to
> upgrade, then the whole discussion is useless...

+1, also what do they get from JDK8 updates? Last time half of the change
was patching some tests, there were a few security patches for jars signed
with SHA1 and the update of TZ data.
I'd imagine, no one is upset that the Virtual Thread feature was not

> I think, if a project/application decides to stay with Java 8 because it
> is to risky or to expensive to upgrade to Java 11+, why should they
> upgrade to a newer NetBeans Platform version? Any upgrade has some risks
> and costs. Isn't it more likely that they newer upgrade to latest
> NetBeans Platform version?
> Or the other way around:
> if a project decides to stay on 9 year old Java 8, why can't they stay
> on NetBeans Platform from 2023?
> We can't stay forever on Java 8 just because some NB platform
> applications still use Java 8 and "maybe" want upgrade to latest NB
> version.
Also what would happen if Karl decides to pull the plug on Java 8 for
FlatLAF? Just think about it...

There is a way to support old software, and that is called branching.
It is that simple.

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